Welcome to our website!
Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council is an autonomous body under the Government of Kerala, Health and Family Welfare Department and was consituted by Government of Kerala under the provisions of Nurses and Midwives Act 1953.

Urgent Attention: Notification regarding 2023-2024 primary registration fee payment

Guidelines for obtaining GoodStanding Certificate, Verification Certificate, Duplicate Registration Certificate, Duplicate MarkSheet, No Objection Certificate(NOC) and Migration Certificate

Urgent Attention: Notification regarding Additional Qualification

Urgent Attention: Reduction in renewal and re-renewal fees

****Latest Update: Website will be open for renewal upon expiry of registration date and for re-renewal upon expiry of renewal date twice in a month as two schedules(1st schedule till 15th of that month and 2nd schedule till the last day of that month)

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